Our 28ha reserve offers many enjoyable walks amongst the beautiful natural surrounds of the wetlands.
Hire out our information centre for parties, weddings, funerals, conferences, meetings, craft groups, exhibitions and concerts.
venue hire
What started out as humble beginnings around 1878, the Heyfield Wetlands has grown to become an iconic destaintion for locals and visitors alike.
about us
Our volunteers and generous donations allow us to continue our important environmental management and conservation work.
help us
The wetlands is home to an abundance of flourishing plants, trees, birds and wildlife. Our ever-growing database let's you discover more about each species and where to find them...
flora & fauna
Keep up-to-date with what's happening throughout the year. Highlights include the Heyfield Food & Wine Festival and Twilight Markets.
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1A MacFarlane St,
Heyfield VIC 3858
(03) 5148 3404
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